Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I think that it is the St. Andrews' cross. White diagonal with red inside the rectangle. Since that doesn't make much sense just say it is the pattern of the flowers[red and white petunias] that we planted in the Star Tech bed tonight for the Communities in Bloom's efforts at beautifying Brooks. As someone said we may not get to ever see it at its' best but this part was fun.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Never a day so beautiful

It was one of those great days that can be had sometimes without too much trying. A little work for the common good. A little talk and laughter- "one choir member moans at the last practice that it is just too hard to sing this this F and G ."-- slur it alittle!! A little walk and talk with some tea for good measure.
But most of all God's wonderful world of blossom and bees and birds at full throttle.