Monday, October 16, 2006

Birthday in the mountains

Southern Mini
The scenery was fantastic and the air fresh and clean. The trees had lost there color except for a bright yellow dot here and there like someone was trying to clean out their paint brush by flicking it and the yellow paint was spattering amongst the green.
We climbed the everest practice hill and from there you can see the mountains and their glaciers to the west and glimpses of the lower lake thru the trees. The upper lake had some white caps way down there but we were in the calm at the top of the rock in the trees.
The wild life stayed away but so did the tourists. A man from Calgary said we finally have our Park back!! The sky was marvelous with its' mares' tails and blue,blue,blue. A great way to spend a birthday.


Blogger Peace Sweet Peas said...

That sounds really nice! I'm glad you had a good birthday. Zoo Zoo is having a reaction to her immunization and so is covered in a rash, but it should only last another 24 hours. JAne Austen and I just made pumpkin muffins.

11:03 AM  

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