Thursday, December 21, 2006

Home Again

Southern Mini
It was a wonderful time in the North!! From finger paint to Tea with the ladies to hugs and kisses a treasure to be remembered.
I am still not sleeping- too many barometric pressure changes here.
I lunched with the Sandra and Mugs today at the curling rink and saw some geriatric first steps from Jean Salt after spending a year in bed or a wheel chair and a hip operation. God's many miracles are all around us.
The Cantata went. Some parts sounded better than others but we did get a standing O and you can't beat that. I am going to push for singing the "I believe " piece again in church.
Shopping is the order of the day tomorrow.Calgary is the destination. I washed the car, I hope that means no rain snow or sleet.
Many happy holiday experiences to one and all.


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